Booking Totton Train Station's Waiting Room
Totton's Train Station Waiting room is a free community space suitable for meetings of 4-8 people. There is power, and fixed chairs around the edge of the room. The Totton Community Rail group also has a folding table and chairs which we can provide for meetings.
How to book
Email our station adoption lead Amy at amyhardingson@gmail.com to discuss availability​. You will either need a keyholding member to let you in and lock up for you, or to become a member of Totton Community Rail and apply to become a keyholder.
Are there toilets at the station?
Unfortunately there are not currently any public toilets at the train station. The old toilet block needs extensive renovation, and we hope that eventually Totton Community Rail can help to fund this important amenity for the station. The nearest public toilet is at Lidl (a 4 minute walk)
What parking is available?
There is a very small car park onsite which is pay and display via RingGo https://myringgo.co.uk/zone/2010#invalid
The price is £3.90 per day Monday to Friday, or £3 per day on a weekend. The nearest free parking is at Lidl (a 4 minute walk).
Are there any other rooms available at the station?
It is very likely we will have other rooms available in the future. There are plans for us to adopt a room off of the ticket office, but some work needs to be done to make the space suitable before we are allowed access.